E-Week — ASCE New Jersey Section

Engineers Week

Engineers Week 2019
February 17 - 24, 2019

National Engineers Week is a yearly event celebrated every February to raise awareness about engineering. The North Jersey Branch of ASCE hosts a two day event at the Liberty Science Center to celebrate engineers and showcase the marvels of engineering.

In 2018, this event hosted 9,000 children and parents who had the chance to participate in educational programs and activities ran with the assistance of nearly 200 dedicated volunteers. Our volunteers include engineering students from local universities and working professionals. Visitors have the chance to try some engineering for themselves with our hands-on activities and learn about different problems that engineers work to solve every day with our interactive exhibits.

North JErsey Branch e-Week Days at Liberty Science Center

North Jersey Branch's YMG (Younger Member Group) leads the effort to coordinate the two days of interactive efforts at Liberty Science Center each year. For more information contact Silvia Santos at ymg@ascenjb.org